Boys Who Draw Collective

Monday, 29 November 2010

MA Children's Book Illustration

Hi all. Steve Rack here. I've not really been online lately, and it's fair to say that my work is going through a bit of a transitional period at the mo, so I haven't been uploading much new work in recent months. The recent change in my illustrative approach is 100% down to the MA in Children's Book Illustration that I am currently studying for at Cambridge.

Strangely, I have found it totally liberating working outside of my comfort zone and as a result I seem to be discovering a new, more real approach to illustrating that somehow feels more honest to me. It's still early days as far as my course is concerned, but I thought I would share with you some of my recent sketchbook illustrations that are part of the first module: Observation and Experimentation. In this module we have to draw, draw, and draw all things that we observe that relate to our chosen theme. My theme is 'Home'.

This whole creative process has also really helped me cope with watching my dad battle through cancer over the past nine weeks in hospital. Words can't even begin to express just what a journey it has been.

My new sketchbook blog is here.