Bristol-Birmingham based art collective Inkygoodness are thrilled to announce they have been selected to present a new exhibition as part of this year’s Pictoplasma Character Design Conference in Berlin.
Co-founded in 2008 by illustrators Lisa Hassell and Michelle Turton, Inkygoodness aim to showcase emerging talent across the UK, and have evolved to include creative talent from as far afield as Guatemala and USA. The ever-evolving collective of illustrators, artists and image-makers have experienced a meteoric rise since their debut show just two years ago, presenting group shows in Bristol, Birmingham & London.
Inkygoodness presents 'Character Totem' will be their most ambitious project to date, showcasing the talents of 35 international artists & illustrators, with a walk-through installation of hand-painted, and inked wooden totem poles at the coveted Neurotian Gallery.
As long standing visitors to Pictoplasma, this highly celebrated event has been on the wish list of places they hoped one day to be participating at themselves. The duo, first visited Pictoplasma two years before their first show as Inkygoodness and are incredibly proud to have made the transition from visitor to exhibitor in such a short time.

Confirmed artists include:
Matt Saunders/Jason Devine/Mister Millerchip/Felt Mistress/Toy Factory/Kate Hindley/Ben Steers, McBess

Selected artists have creaated their artworks ahead of the event at selected venues across the UK.
The selected artists we're required to attend ONE of four 'Live Draw' UK events to create their Totem artwork. These took place in Birmingham, Bristol, Manchester & London, throughout Feb & March.
Each event and the subsequent Berlin trip will be documented on a dedicated 'Character Totem' website, launching at the end of January. This will include photos, interviews, press coverage & mini-films of the events.

Michelle and Lisa co founders of Inkygoodness said of the project
‘Inkygoodness have enjoyed fantastic success in Birmingham, London and Bristol, and now feel ready to launch Inkygoodness to an international audience. We are absolutely thrilled to be taking part in Pictoplasma, and recognise that this will be a significant moment for us and all the artists involved. It is the biggest project we have ever taken on and we recognise that showcasing artwork on a platform of this magnitude is not something to be taken lightly, and have thought long and hard about the artists we want to take with us to Berlin.’
For further information on Pictoplasma and this exciting project please visit our brand new beautiful website www.inkygoodness.com and for all media enquiries please contact Fran Pearce at